
Black Moor Goldfish South Africa

We breed top quality black moor goldfish and supply to pet shops and fancy goldfish collectors across South Africa.

Black Moor Goldfish

We Supply Top Quality Black Moor Goldfish To Pet shop And Goldfish Keepers

Black Moor goldfish are best known for their coal-black bodies, bulging eyes, and attractive, floating double tail fin. They are an excellent addition to any fish tank creating a vivid contrasting picture with other more colorful goldfish like Fantails, Oranda, Comets, Ryukin, etc.

At Fish First, we hand-select our Black Moor Goldfish breeders with the focus on strong genetics, well-rounded healthy bodies, and vivid black coloring. In addition to our select breeders, we grow our goldfish in element-rich natural conditions(mud pond) and feed them high-quality natural diet excellent health and fast growth.

With these conditions, we are able to produce quality black moor goldfish in South Africa within 3 months that are between 5cm – 8cm. Once they reach these sizes, we take them out of the mud ponds and put them in our conditioning system to prepare them for the market.

As a result, we are able to supply petshops and reseller in South Africa with more affordable, better quality Black Moor Goldfish and sell large fancy goldfish to private goldfish collectors.

our process

How do we breed our Black Moor Goldfish.

At Fish First, we pride ourselves in the quality of the goldfish’s body and their health. To say this, we are very strict and precise about how we breed goldfish and raise them.

We Only Use Natural Processes To Breed Our Black Moors.

We breed and grow our Black Moors using crystal clear borehole water without any added chemicals and a lot of natural food. We spawn the black moor breeders in our concrete conditioning pond system. Once their eggs hatch, we move them from the concrete ponds to a mud pond, where they grow for the next month or two. We seed these mud ponds with plankton to increase the growth and development of the baby black moors during their first month of growth.

All the black moor goldfish are protected from predators and health risks.

All the mud ponds and the conditioning system are fenced to prevent frogs or toads from entering. Each pond is also covered with shade cloth to keep predators out of the system. Besides keeping predators out, we are very strict about health risks and allowing fish from outside sources into our system to prevent potential parasites and diseases from entering our system.

Our goal is excellent black moors and happy clients.

After their initial growth in the mud ponds, the fish is harvested, sorted, quarantined, and conditioned in our concrete conditioning ponds. With this approach, the black moors have minimal stress, leading to zero to minimal losses after being supplied to the South African market at very affordable prices.

In our tanks

See the Black Moor goldfish our clients love

Here are some of the black moors we have bred, raised, and sold from Fish First Farm in Bloemfontein South Africa!


What our clients say about our goldfish

These guys trusts our fish.

Additional information

Black Moor Goldfish Care Guide

Here is a quick guide to caring for your Black Moor goldfish

Originating from China, the Black Moor is a fancy goldfish variety known for its enchanting appearance. They are characterized by their deep black coloration, which may sometimes turn orange or gold with age, and their protruding eyes. Typically, they grow to about 10-20cm, making them a manageable size for most aquariums.

Creating a comfortable home for your Black Moor starts with the right tank. A minimum of 75 liters is recommended for one fish, with an additional 35 liters for each extra fish to avoid overcrowding. These goldfish thrive in water temperatures between 18-23°C with a pH level of 6.5-7.5. It’s crucial to avoid sharp decorations and gravel, as their delicate eyes are prone to injury. Soft, fine substrate and smooth-edged décor are ideal.

Black Moors are omnivorous and require a balanced diet of pellets, flakes, and fresh vegetables. Special sinking pellets are preferred to avoid buoyancy problems. Feeding them two to three times a day in small amounts is ideal. Occasional treats like brine shrimp or daphnia can be given, but moderation is key to avoid overfeeding.

While generally hardy, Black Moors are susceptible to swim bladder disorders and eye infections. Maintaining clean water and a well-balanced diet is vital for their health. Regular partial water changes and monitoring for signs of distress or disease are important. Due to their protruding eyes, they are more prone to injuries; thus, a tank with safe, smooth decorations is essential.

Black Moor Goldfish are peaceful and social creatures, making them great for community tanks. They do well with other goldfish varieties, but their slower swimming pace and poor eyesight mean they should not be housed with fast-moving fish. They enjoy the company of their kind and exhibit playful and soothing behaviors.

To keep your Black Moor engaged and healthy, a well-decorated tank is beneficial. Including plants (either real or artificial), caves, and smooth rocks can create a stimulating environment. Ensure plants are soft-leaved as Black Moors enjoy nibbling on them. Avoid any sharp-edged decorations to protect their delicate eyes.

Breeding Black Moor Goldfish requires a separate breeding tank with similar water conditions. During breeding season in the spring, increase the water temperature slightly to encourage spawning. Female Black Moors lay eggs that stick to plants and decorations, which then need to be protected from adult fish. Fry should be fed specialized food until they’re large enough to consume regular goldfish diet.

Regular maintenance is key to keeping your Black Moor healthy. This includes weekly water tests to check pH levels and ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate concentrations. A 25-30% water change should be done weekly to maintain water quality. Cleaning the tank and its decorations, along with checking the filter, ensures a safe and clean environment.


See Goldfish for sale!

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